Keystone Opportunity Zones

The Keystone Opportunity Zone (KOZ) Program is one of the nation’s boldest and most innovative economic and community development programs.

This unique program develops a community’s underutilized land and buildings through partnerships among state and local taxing bodies, school districts, economic development agencies and community based organizations.

Keystone Opportunity Zones are designated by the local communities and approved by the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) and provide specific state and local tax benefits, bestowing eligible businesses and residents who occupy these zones certain tax benefits.

Pennsylvania businesses relocating to a KOZ/KOEZ must either: Increase their full-time employment by 20% within the first full year of operation, or make a 10% capital investment in the KOZ property based on their prior year’s gross revenues.

Eligibility for benefits is based upon annual certification.

In order to receive benefits, any entity applying must be compliant with all local and state taxes and building and zoning codes.

For additional information please contact:

Jennifer Feehan,
Economic Development Manager
814.677.4800 x106